Delta Corporate Travel

Meeting Services

Whether you’re a Corporation, an Association/Non-profit, Convention or Event, Delta has an option of meeting programs to meet your needs.  Our Award winning programs provide a 360 degree approach in air travel solutions for both the organizations and their attendees.

Delta Meetings Network® - Corporate

Offering cost saving options, convenience and ease when setting up a meeting or event, this program is available to all corporations who do not have a current Delta Corporate Sales Agreement, or, for discounts to attendees not included as cost reimbursable travel, e.g. distributors, customers, or media attending your corporate meeting. To qualify, you must have a minimum of 15 passengers, originating from two or more cities flying to your meeting, incentive or company event. Connect with our DMN experts to register your meeting and manage your request from beginning to end.

Delta Meetings Network® - Association/Nonprofit/Events

With access to more than 300 destinations worldwide, a variety of options to book travel and robust scheduling, this program delivers value for your convention or event attendees. To qualify, you must have a minimum of 50 passengers, originating from two or more cities flying to your meeting or event. Both Single Meeting and Multi-Meeting Agreements available.